
Tumors are engulfed in a complex microenvironment (TME) including tumor cells, fibroblasts, and a diversity of immune cells. Currently, a new generation of cancer therapies based on modulation of the immune system response is in active clinical development with first promising results. Therefore, understanding the composition of TME in each tumor case is critically important to make a prognosis on the tumor progression and its response to treatment. However, we lack reliable and validated quantitative approaches to characterize the TME in order to facilitate the choice of the best existing therapy.

One part of this challenge is to be able to quantify the cellular composition of a tumor sample (called deconvolution problem in this context), using its bulk omics profile (global quantitative profiling of certain types of molecules, such as mRNA or epigenetic markers). In recent years, there was a remarkable explosion in the number of methods approaching this problem in several different ways. Most of them use pre-defined molecular signatures of specific cell types and extrapolate this information to previously unseen contexts. This can bias the TME quantification in those situations where the context under study is significantly different from the reference.

In theory, under certain assumptions, it is possible to separate complex signal mixtures, using classical and advanced methods of source separation and dimension reduction, without pre-existing source definitions. If such an approach (unsupervised deconvolution) is feasible to apply for bulk omic profiles of tumor samples, then this would make it possible to avoid the above mentioned contextual biases and provide insights into the context-specific signatures of cell types.

In this work, I developed a new method called DeconICA (Deconvolution of bulk omics datasets through Immune Component Analysis), based on the blind source separation methodology. DeconICA has an aim to decipher and quantify the biological signals shaping omics profiles of tumor samples or normal tissues. A particular focus of my study was on the immune system-related signals and discovering new signatures of immune cell types.

In order to make my work more accessible, I implemented the DeconICA method as an R package named “DeconICA”. By applying this software to the standard benchmark datasets, I demonstrated that DeconICA is able to quantify immune cells with accuracy comparable to published state-of-the-art methods but without a priori defining a cell type-specific signature genes. The implementation can work with existing deconvolution methods based on matrix factorization techniques such as Independent Component Analysis (ICA) or Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF).

Finally, I applied DeconICA to a big corpus of data containing more than 100 transcriptomic datasets composed of, in total, over 28000 samples of 40 tumor types generated by different technologies and processed independently. This analysis demonstrated that ICA-based immune signals are reproducible between datasets and three major immune cell types: T-cells, B-cells and Myeloid cells can be reliably identified and quantified.

Additionally, I used the ICA-derived metagenes as context-specific signatures in order to study the characteristics of immune cells in different tumor types. The analysis revealed a large diversity and plasticity of immune cells dependent and independent on tumor type. Some conclusions of the study can be helpful in identification of new drug targets or biomarkers for immunotherapy of cancer.